The Slimming Benefits Of Eggplant


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The Slimming Benefits Of Eggplant

Eggplants are a nutrient-rich food that contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They may benefit your overall health, including your heart.

Eaten from early spring until the end of summer, eggplant is popular on our plates! Both for its delicious flavors and its health benefits. Focus on this beneficial vegetable

Eggplant: a real “sponge”
Eggplant has the ability to absorb fat. You will see for yourself when cooking it, it absorbs oil easily! The same thing would happen in our body: its flesh would absorb our fats and keep them within itself, which would activate their elimination. Add to this its dietary fibers, real sidekicks because they allow us to better absorb lipids and avoid their storage.

A low-calorie vegetable
Eggplant contains few calories, 32.5 per 100 g of cooked eggplant. Needless to say, we can add it to our summer dishes!

Our tip? If you steam your eggplant (which is recommended to avoid making the vegetable too fatty), remember to keep a little eggplant water for your sauces. This has a preventive effect against cholesterol thanks to its flavonoid content and also calms our temporary inflammations!

Eggplant is good for our heart
Thanks to its generous level of potassium, eggplant helps maintain our heart rate. Furthermore, by reducing our cholesterol levels, it helps protect our cardiovascular system by avoiding poor blood circulation.

A major antioxidant
Certain components of eggplant help our body fight against free radicals attacking our body. In particular, it protects against the aging of our cells and helps us eliminate toxins. A health and beauty ally in short!

It boosts our brain
Eggplant contains phytonutrients. These help the proper functioning of our cognitive system as well as our mental health. They have the effect of eliminating toxins present in our brain and increasing blood flow to this vital organ, while boosting our memory!

A very delicious vegetable
A big star of the Mediterranean diet, eggplant lends itself to many gourmet and dietary recipes. Eggplant risotto, moussaka, eggplant caviar, stuffed eggplant… The list goes on!



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