• Elephant Mango (Xoài Tượng)
  • Elephant Mango (Xoài Tượng)
  • Elephant Mango (Xoài Tượng)
  • Elephant Mango (Xoài Tượng)
  • Elephant Mango (Xoài Tượng)
  • Elephant Mango (Xoài Tượng)

Elephant Mango (Xoài Tượng)

Elephant Mango is not just a delicious and prevalent fruit, it symbolizes the essence of summer.

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     Elephant Mango, also known as "Xoài Tượng" in Vietnamese, is a famous fruit in Vietnam and is well-known in many other countries around the world. Recognized for its exquisite taste and the season when its fruits ripen to a mouthwatering sweetness, Elephant Mango has become one of the most beloved mango varieties in Vietnam and beyond.

Unique Flavor: Elephant Mango boasts a distinct, sweet, and refreshing flavor. Its sweetness is perfectly balanced with a slight touch of bitterness and tartness, creating a one-of-a-kind culinary experience. The sweet, succulent taste of Elephant Mango makes it an exclusive delicacy in various traditional dishes and desserts.

Ripening Season: Elephant Mango typically ripens from April to June each year, depending on the region in which it is grown. During this time, the mangoes on the tree display vibrant colors and ripen to a mouthwatering sweetness that captures the hearts of those who taste them. The harvesting season during the summer is eagerly anticipated across the country as people revel in the delightful flavor of Elephant Mango.

Elephant mango season on farm
Elephant mango season on farm

Culinary Delight: Elephant Mango is highly versatile and can be used in various culinary creations. Vietnamese people enjoy eating fresh mangoes, but they are also commonly used to make preserves, smoothies, juices, and many traditional dishes. A significant part of the Vietnamese summer experience is relishing the delicious and nutritious dishes and beverages made from Elephant Mango.

Health Benefits: Elephant Mango is not only delicious but also highly nutritious. It is rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and dietary fiber. Vitamin C in mangoes enhances the immune system and boosts the body's resistance to illnesses. Potassium helps maintain the balance of water and electrolytes in the body, while dietary fiber aids in digestion and reduces the risk of weight gain. Thus, indulging in Elephant Mango not only provides culinary joy but also health benefits.

Growing Regions: Elephant Mango is commonly cultivated in various regions across Vietnam. However, some renowned areas for its cultivation are in the Mekong Delta, which offers ideal natural conditions for the growth of this fruit. The nutrient-rich alluvial soil and the tropical, humid climate create an optimal environment for cultivating high-quality Elephant Mango.

Elephant mango (Xoài Tượng) packed in 10lbs per box
Elephant mango packed in 10lbs box

Annual Sales Volume in Vietnam: Elephant Mango is a major agricultural product in Vietnam. Every year, thousands of tons of Elephant Mango are harvested and consumed throughout the country and are exported to numerous global markets. The production volume may vary from year to year, but Elephant Mango consistently plays a crucial role in Vietnam's agricultural economy, providing income to many farming communities nationwide.

In conclusion, Elephant Mango is not just a delicious and prevalent fruit in Vietnam; it symbolizes the essence of summer, contributes significantly to the agricultural economy, and offers a unique culinary choice for family meals. The sweet taste, ripening season, and distinctive health benefits of Elephant Mango have made it one of Vietnam's prized fruits and a source of inspiration for many delightful dishes and beverages.


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